When You Drift Off To Sleep... It's A Golden Opportunity

Just like the light between day and night, there is a sweet spot between conscious awareness... and... sleep.

This is the space where we can access our subconscious mind.

This is where we can consciously change the thoughts, emotions, beliefs, interpretations, and patterns that fill our subconscious headspace. These subconscious elements are the ones that create the habits and behaviors that run our lives - 95% of the time on autopilot and beyond our conscious control.

Some of these elements we absorbed as children from the moment we were conceived until about the age of 7 to 8.

Those thoughts become the foundations of our personality and identity.

But in that magical space just before and after sleep, you have a golden opportunity to change these elements. And it is really not that hard.

Here is how to do it.

The subconscious is literal. Whatever you tell it, it perceives it as real.

So, in that time just before drifting off to sleep and just when you wake up, imagine yourself exactly how you want to be. Use as much feeling and specific details as possible.

How do you look?
How do you feel?
What do you see?
What do you smell and taste?
How do you act?

Again, the subconscious is literal and will go to work in helping you to experience this imagination.

I'm starting to have patients do this exercise as they get acupuncture and begin to drift into that twilight space.

You can do this for yourself, twice every day.

Give it a go for 30 days and let me know what results you see.