New Patient FAQ

How much does the Initial Exam cost?

The fee for the Initial Exam is $249.

What happens during the Initial Exam?

During the Initial Exam, we will talk about your main symptoms and how they are affecting you. You will set specific goals you want to achieve by receiving treatment. I will then give you a Chinese Medicine pattern diagnosis and explain how this is causing your symptoms. I will use your tongue and radial pulse to confirm your pattern diagnosis.

Does the Initial Exam include an acupuncture treatment?

The Initial Exam does not include treatment, but you will have an opportunity to get your first treatment following the exam.

How much do acupuncture treatments cost?

Return visits are $100.

Does the treatment hurt?

In most cases, you will not feel any pain with the needles. On occasion, you might notice a quick “spark” like sensation. This sensation should go away in less than 5 seconds. If anything continues to be uncomfortable beyond that time I will adjust or take the needle out so you are comfortable. I always tell everyone it should be an enjoyable experience.

Do you reuse the needles?

Needles come in a sterile blister pack and are only used one time. The used needles are placed in a sharps biohazard container and are disposed of as medical waste.

How many treatments will I need?

This depends on many factors. Acute conditions usually respond very quickly and you need fewer treatments. Chronic conditions often take longer to resolve. I recommend all new patients start with a series of 10 treatments within five weeks to test their bodies. This will help me to know better how many treatments you might need. Most chronic conditions will need between 20 to 50 treatments.

What do treatment plans look like?

Most patients do monthly treatment plans. At the end of each month, I will do a re-examination to determine the progress you have made and how close you are to achieving the goals you set for yourself. Most patients come in multiple times a week in the beginning to get symptoms under control quickly. After symptoms are about 80% to 85% improved, you will come in once a week for a while to retrain the brain to make sure your symptoms don’t come back.

Do you take insurance?

I can help you use your benefits. I can give you a Superbill that you can submit to be reimbursed for your treatment expenses.